2. Next, find out if the companies you're dealing with offers cash incentives for referrals or have an affiliate program. You should be compensated for your time and effort to help diversify and increase their sample size. The websites I list offer to pay you, let me know if you know of some other good ones.
3. Make as many referrals as possible to reap bigger rewards. Basically you make a little extra dough from by helping friends, families and co-workers make some extra money. It's symbiotic.
4. Keep taking surveys. It's easy to do, you make money, and some surveys will lead you to get great test products.
Survey Savvy has one of the best programs to reward you and your referrals. First of all, it's free to join. They invite you to take a survey via email and state how much they'll pay upfront (by accounts I've heard anywhere from $2-$75, the highest I've had is $10 so far). They give you a unique referral link to use when inviting others to join. Use this link to send an email to personal friends and family who might be interested or post it on your own website. Please don't spam though, they will terminate you without compensation for distributing unsolicited emails. When someone signs up through your referral link, you get on average $2 for every survey that they take. When your referral makes a referral, you have another opportunity to make money. On average, you make $1 on surveys taken by your referrals' referrals. This is great because everyone gets something in this 3-level system.
Let's say you work hard to get 3 friends a month signed up (36 for the year). Those friends each sign up only 2 referrals of their own. Everyone takes on average 12 surveys per year. That's $1,728 for about 5-15 minutes of work per survey! You keep your referrals and can keep adding more the next year, and the next, and the next...
The numbers may be more or less, but the point is to refer more people into your network. Some people may get more or fewer surveys based on their profile. As long as your referrals and their referrals keep taking surveys, you will have money coming your way.

MySurvey.com offers roughly $1.50 per referral (150 points).
That's more than you'd likely get on some surveys. Their affiliate program also offers free, pre-designed banners for you to use on a website. I have gotten good test products from them in the past too. They work on a point system where 1,000 = $10. You may take an initial 10 point survey that qualifies you to take a 75 point survey. They also send surveys to my spouse, so make sure your profile accurately depicts all members of the household.
American Consumer Opinion offers $.50 per referral. That doesn't sound like much compared to the others, but remember it's not about putting all your eggs into one basket. Multiple avenues of extra income add up over time.
(Thanks to Ruth Larson for the tip on American Consumer Opinion. Lot's of good info on her blog on saving money, kids, allergies, investing, free samples and more.)
How to get more surveys:
1. Make sure your profile completely and accurately depicts who you are and your interests.
2. Tell them about your family. MySurvey send more surveys to my spouse than to me.
3. Don't lie on your profile. Some surveys have qualifier questions at the beginning. If you lied on the profile and the qualifiers don't think your a good match, you lose that survey and the money offered for that survey. Make sure your profile sends targeted surveys your way from the start.
4. Sign up for more than one survey site.
How to get referrals:
1. Co-workers
2. Friends
3. Family
4. Personalized email signature that says, "[Your Name] says: Make Extra Money with Online Surveys." Be sure to use your referral link.
5. Website/blog link
6. Free advertising from a site like Traffic Swarm.
7. Paid advertising with Google Adsense.
The fact is that most people like to make extra money doing something quick, fun and easy. Plus the survey programs I list are free to join. I've also never received spam as a result of signing up for these programs. Free money is waiting for you. Click the links below to start making money on surveys and referrals today.
» Join SurveySavvy right now.
» Join MySurvey right now.
» Join American Consumer Opinion right now.