Why not used stuff for evacuees?
Monday, September 12, 2005

A conversation came up today in the office. It seems that the city I work in is putting up evacuees in apartments for the next several months. They're asking churches and community groups to sponsor these families with household items and furnishings. You know because the federal government's too slow to make things happen. No really, it was in the paper and everything, one head guy at FEMA retired over the whole scandal. Who am I kidding, no one reads papers anymore. Who is he kidding, retired? He had already been replaced. I digress.

The city had a list of suggested items to be provided for the family. A lady at work said she had an extra bed to get rid of, but the list said beds had to be new. This lady, let's call her "Carol," wondered why anyone who had been displaced would care if they got a used, but in-great-condition bed.

I thought it must be a CYA deal for the city. If someone ended up getting head lice, the city could be held responsible. Though other items could be used, like a couch. I've slept on my own couch many times and never once thought about bringing legal action. I recently accepted a used mattress from a friend that had been wrapped in plastic in her garage for years. I was glad to accept it, but she'll see me in court one day if the box spring fails.

It's not that new isn't nice, but used can be fine in a pinch. And this is really a pinch for thousands of people.

Any thoughts?

Unknown at 10:38 PM | Permalink | Feedback (0) | Site Feed |

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