Saturday, October 15, 2005
In my last post I praised the free Charmin Potty Traingn Kit. Well after the first full day in use, I'm ready to poop my pants (like Steve Burns from Blue's Clue) and clean up the mess with Charmin TP. I'll do it hundreds of times to help raise their stock price, (and because I think it would make an odd publicity stunt).
The boy used one diaper all day long and went to the bathroom 5 times. Full disclosure: A couple of times he started to wet the floor slightly, but he stopped and made it to the bathroom to finish up. Each time he checked off the list of things to do on the half-sticker-coated Charmin poster. I need more stickers! Charmin has put him in control of this situation.
It's funny how the Huggies wants you to potty train by purchasing Pull-Ups diapers, and Charmin wants you to potty train by getting kids on the potty. (Not funny-ha-ha, read more sarcasm into it.)
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