I still have some $25 referrals to pass out for new accounts. You have to contact me and just give me your first and last name and email address. Now here's where they changed the rules, you have to make a $250 deposit in order to get the $25 bonus. And don't worry, I don't keep your information, send you spam and pass it along to anyone else or store it in a database to be hacked into. (I tried to get an affiliate link with ING to make this easier with a button, but I'm not big time enough, yet.)

When you email me your information, write, "I want my 2 dollars!" I'll get the referral link emailed to you through ING, you deposit $250 or more, then you get a $25 sign-up-through-referral bonus, make 4.75% apy until April 15, 2006, and I'll get you an extra $2 gift bonus.
The $2 gift bonus won't work if "I want my 2 dollars!" doesn't make it to the email message, or if you don't open an account, or if you already have an ING account, or if you open an account but don't deposit $250. Then I'll say something like, "No soup for you today!" Oh, and I reserve the right to quit making this offer at anytime. Oh, and I can only give out 10 referrals at this time, so first come, first served.
Email me now to get an account bonus.