Tired of getting all those credit card solicitations in your mail? Well, now you can turn them into cash!
Each solicitation you submit that is accepted by CardWeb.com® will earn you $4.00!
You have to scan the application, envelope, the inserts, the terms, etc. and email them in. I started to do this one night and decided to go to bed before finishing. Most of those applications are about 20 inches long and my scanner only goes to 12. So I have to scan it twice and stitch it together in PhotoShop. Then make sure all the text is still legibile on all the scans. Next delete all personal information. And of course I wanted to color-correct everything so it looked nice. Scale to web browser width and save at 250 kb. Only to realize that I had scanned all the documents for a Citibank offer.
At this time, CardWeb.com is no longer in need of mail solicitations from the following issuers: Capital One, Bank One, American Express, MBNA or Citi (Citibank).
Sometimes it's a little tricky to decipher who the bank is behind the card. And as far as the time issue, it probably goes faster once you've done a few. I just felt that I could make more than $4/hr at a bad job. If anyone makes it though the process and makes some cash, let me know.
Make money on those credit apps right now!