Are you the type to carry a lot of cash? If so, how much do you usually keep on you? In the past, it seemed like the older men always had a roll of bills to pay for everything. These gentleman also liked to carry silver dollars or 50-cent pieces that would jingle when they walked.
Maybe you own a credit card for every store, gas station and bank that issues plastic. How many cards do you keep with you, how many cards stay active monthly, and what's the girth [in inches] of your pocketbook or wallet? Women can pull off the too-many-credit-cards trick because the purse factor. The guys who stack up credit cards in their back pocket wallets are usually limping around from nerve damage after a drive in the car.
Travel light? You just have the one check card and/or a $20 bill with you at all times.
Maybe you're somewhere in between. If the paycheck just came in, then maybe there's some cash in the pockets. If not, then you drive on fumes for one more week.
[I said, "girth." heh, heh.]
Sunday, February 05, 2006
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