I'm currently working on an on-going survey with
MySurvey that requires me to keep a daily journal. Many days there are no entries. It's for tracking use of drugs in my family (legal drugs). I really thought we'd have something to report everyday, but we had only a couple of days last week that anybody took anything. Headaches, allergies, and acid reflux are usually pretty common you know. This will be a four-week study, but I might want to keep tracking this for a few months. Anyway, it's an extra buck a week in addition to their regular one-time surveys.

My other trusted survey site,
American Consumer Opinion, sent me a survey about television shows. I could rail against reruns all night. Which I did in this particular survey. It's hard to want to watch more Desparate Housewives when they keep repeating the same episode all the time. You know the one when Gabrielle and Carlos are fighting all the time. Maybe that's just in every episode. Either way I lost interest last year.
Plus I'm bit nervous that the shows I do watch are looking toward survey participants to decide how to write next season. The thing about good shows, is that they move in a direction counter to viewer expectations. Thus keeping the viewers on their toes. Though I'm getting a little tired of the reality shows trying to trick up their formula every season. I mean who cares about Bruce getting sent to Exile Island? Anywho, it was a quick $4 survey. Usually I don't get past their screener and just get thrown into the drawing (which I've won twice for a total of $10, thank you very much).
Take Surveys with NFO MySurvey & Go for $10,000